Image by Lumina Obscura from Pixabay

Explore the Worlds of Celoven

Celoven Trilogy

The Celoven Trilogy is a planned three-book series of a Young Adult Future-Fantasy Space Opera. The story follows the actions of three distinct nations as they each disagree over how to handle a crisis with implications beyond their home planet. Celoven Windess has been raised to be the Stone Maiden to Princess Naruné, serving as both her best friend and closest advisor. She must navigate the balance between doing what is best for her princess and what’s best for the kingdom.




(Released: February 28, 2022)

Book Blurb:

Celoven Windess has been groomed since birth to serve her best friend, Princess Naruné, as her Stone Maiden: her closest aid and confidant in all royal matters. The king’s failing health forces the princess to begin a reign she never wanted—and Cel must be there to guide her. After an unknown event destroys an entire city, the full weight of responsibility comes down on the untested princess. Hard choices need to be made, affecting the lives of their people, the other nations on the planet, and their colonies on other worlds. When Cel disagrees with the princess’s decisions, both diplomatically and in matters of the heart, she’s approached by a group of suspected terrorists who agree with her and want to help. How far will Celoven go against her friend and country to do what she knows is right?

Celoven: Dark Horizon

(Planned Release: TBD)


(Planned Release: TBD)

Short Stories


(Released: January 17, 2022)

Moving is hard enough, but Jana is moving to New Didrasyl: a colony of malens known for religious zealotry and closed-mindedness. Her parents hoped it would help her with her . . . problem. She’s a dimstone. Unlike other malens her age, her magestone appears to be useless. The gemstone within her forehead can’t even move a simple rock from one end of her desk to the other as the rest of the students can. Her frustrations are exacerbated by the constant bullying of Bayden and his friends. Why can’t they leave her alone?

Available exclusively at conventions and other in person meetups.

The Last Hunt

(Released: January 31, 2022)

Rawn Fargut wants to be an officer in the Pelosian military. To do that, he must go through a rite of passage known as ‘The Last Hunt.’ It’s a dangerous ritual pitting him against the elements of nature and his prey: a feral Kelboar. He must track, hunt, and kill this dangerous beast before it tracks, hunts, and kills him. His best defense against the creature is his wings to both attack and, if necessary, escape. But the kelboar has wings too…

Available exclusively at conventions and other in person meetups.

The Amalgan

(Released: February 15, 2022)


This is Booth Lich’s third attempt to win The Great Ankeran Quadrathlon. A three-day race divided into arduous sections, each with their own challenges, including ascending and descending a mountain, crossing a desert, swimming across a lake, and finally the long sprint to the finish line. 

Last year, Booth came in second place and is determined to finish first this time. But one added obstacle has been placed between him and his path to victory. The Quadrathlon Committee has decided to allow an Amalgan to compete for the first time.

Available exclusively at conventions and other in person meetups.



Ankerans are the dominant species on the planet Ankeros. Over the course of ten thousand generations, they evolved into three distinct races: 

  • Epions
  • Malens
  • Pelosye

Throughout the course of a tumultuous history, these races fought for dominance in endless wars until the Last War—so named to ensure it would remain the last—settled the final borders on the planet and set the laws for establishing colonies on other worlds. While the nations are no longer entirely segregated by race, most view themselves as either epion, malen, or pelosye first, and Ankeran second. While the races have occasionally intermarried, it is still rare as such pairings frequently produce only one dominant set of genes and are often sterile. Amalgans are a genetically engineered fourth race created by combining the other three races’ genetic traits into one. Unlike other pairings, these beings show all three races’ dominant genes and can reproduce fertile offspring.


Malens are a spiritual race, believing they are the Children of Vitae—vessels blessed with spiritual energy that gives them special abilities. Through a harmothyst cyrstal stone in their foreheads known as their magestones, malens can levitate objects, teleport them and teleport themselves. There are legends of other abilities granted by the Vitae, but they have not been seen in modern memory. The strength of their powers is based on the individual magestone as well as the concentration of Vitae energy around them. 


The pelosye are a hunting race that evolved from the caverns within the Cliffs of Pelanost. Over the generations, they developed two sets of brimmed transparent wings for flight. They are a proud race that considers flight the superior Ankeran trait. 


Epions are an intellectual race, focused on science and logic as the basis for all things in life. Lacking either pelosye wings or malen magestones, their pursuit of knowledge ensures their continued technological superiority over the other races. They were the first race to discover the scientific basis for the malens’ Vitae powers and incorporate it into their technology. Epion tech is often closely guarded and forbidden for use by the other races. 


During the last War, as a last ditch effort to bring the fighting to an end, a genetically engineered fourth race was created—amalganscombining the physical and mental strengths of the other three races into one being. With generally higher intelligence, pelosye wings, and malen magestones, they also possessed an average height a head taller than regular ankerans. They were bred as super soldiers and after the war were regarded with hatred and mistrust. As a result, most amalgans work menial jobs, live in lower income communities, and generally looked down upon by society as a whole.


During early exploration of space, a race of intelligent creatures was discovered living underground on a moon inside a cluster of other moons and meteors suspended between two gas giants known as the Luna Patch. The pendragul are red-skinned beings with four little beady-black eyes and short furry legs with the average height reaching no higher than most Ankerans chests. During the Last War, a tragic accident led to the destruction of the moon and the loss of the only other intelligent life found this side of the Bathmorda Nebula.


The Celoven Universe takes place along the tip of a single arm of a spiral galaxy, cut off from the rest of it by either an impassible nebula or impassibly large gaps of empty space between two galactic arms. This isolation has allowed the races of Ankeros to flourish on other worlds, while seldom encountering new intelligent life. But these barriers also prevent them from exploring the rest of the galaxy.  


The home planet for all Ankerans. Fourth planet in the solar system and home to three nations: 

  • Epion Republic
  • Kingdom of Malenor
  • The Autocratic State of Pelosia. 

Since the Last War, these three nations have coexisted peacefully, and trade between each other and their interstellar colonies thrives. But many struggles remain, including racism and bigotry. The planet has a majority temperate and tropical climates, tightly controlled by epion technology. The main continent is divided into each nation’s territories, with Pelosia to the northwest, Malenor to the northeast, and the Epion Republic to the south. The Epion Republic also controls the island chain to the south, while Pelosia controls the subcontinent island to the west. The rest of the planet is a blue jewel of rich oceans. The planet comprises a complex branching network of harmothyst crystal channeling Vitae energy produced in the core to the surface.

Bathmorda Nebula

Ankeros lies at the tip of one arm of a spiral galaxy, cut off from the rest of it by the Bathmorda Nebula. This densely clouded region of space is so thick sensors become useless. No ship has ever entered and returned.

The Luna Confederation

Three moons inside the Luna Patch were originally colonized by the Epion Republic. Following the Last War, the colonized worlds declared their independence and became the Luna Confederation.

The Luna Patch

cluster of moons and meteors suspended between two gas giants, several of which are habitable. One of them is Pendragar, the homeworld of the Pendragul. Three other moons are controlled by the Luna Confederation, former colonies of the Epion Republic.

New Didrasyl Colony

Colony for the Kingdom of Malenor. This planet has a high concentration level of Vitae energy giving its malen residents an extra boost in their abilities.

Metalink Space Station

Home of the Metalink Corporation, operating as a neutral governing body, independent of the other nations. The station boasts one hundred levels, each tall enough for high-rise buildings to fit in and wide enough to fill several city blocks. The topmost level is home to the Hall for the United Ankeran Council. A neutral meeting ground for all nations and territories to conduct international and interplanetary affairs. The station itself also serves as a central communications hub extending the Metalink Network range effectively to all planets. 

Midrusk Colony

Midsrusk is Pelosia’s colony. Under strict military control, the planet serves as both a forward operating base across the sector and a retreat for the nation’s wealthiest contributors.


Home to the only other intelligent species discovered in the sector, the moon inside the Luna Patch was discovered by the Epion Republic during its exploration. The moon was destroyed during the events of the Last War.

Ankeran Nations

There are currently three primary nations on the planet of Ankeros: 

  • Kingdom of Malenor
  • Epion Republic
  • Autocratic Static of Pelosia

While each nation is principally composed of the dominating race of the region, there are citizens of each nation of every race. 

See Also: